Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Well, I was supposed to post a blog yesterday, but my internet wasn't working, so I'm going to post one now. I'm not really used to this whole blogging thing, so I'm not really sure what to write. I was just viewing my Friendster and then my Facebook and so, although it's random, I want to talk about the whole debate about Facebook being better than Friendster. I've had Friendster for about 2 years, and then just recently Facebook comes along and everyone ditches Friendster and goes to Facebook. I mean c'mon.. Maybe Facebook has a lot more applications, but I think it's just too much. Okay, so Friendster's getting a little old, and there isn't so much to do on there but I personally think simple is better (especially when we have IB homework to do). On Facebook I always get these random emails saying "so and so has just bit you" and "so and so wants to fight you" I mean.. okay, i guess it's not reality but still, there's always so much going on; I can barely keep up. I have about 20 requests for all these applications; I've gotten to the point where I don't even bother to read what they'e about, I just accept them and then leave it for a few days. Yes, it's interesting, and I'll admit, it's very addictive, but that just makes it even harder! Here I am trying to do my IB HOMEWORK and then a little message pops up saying "You have just received an email from Facebook" and so what do I do.. I go right ahead and check it. And instead of spending only a few minutes checking it, I end up spending an hour on it; it completely draws me in. Anyway, that's my blog about Friendster and Facebook. I like Facebook, don't get me wrong, I just hate the fact that it's so addictive (so much more addictive than Friendster; completely due to all of those extra applications that Friendster doesn't offer) that I end up spending far too much time on it. I think I should just stick to Friendster from now on because I can never spend more than half an hour on there. Although I'm saying this I know that I'll end up checking Facebook any minute now.. arghh.. *hopeless*. Anyway people, leave comments.. Do you think Facebook is better than Friendster? Friendster is better than Facebook? Facebook is too addictive? Or the IB Diploma Program just gives us far too much homework and therefore it's not Facebook's fault that we never get our homework done? :) I like the last option.. Who agrees? ;)

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posted by four and a half at 7:10 PM |


At August 30, 2007 at 8:28 PM, Blogger Karina said........
I agree!!! :D

At August 30, 2007 at 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! you are the first normal person!!! facebook is beyond complicated, it's layout is far from intuitive, and has a horrid interface. The fact that it has like... 99999999apps makes it impossible to have a network of people with the same apps.!!! I adore your normality...

At September 1, 2007 at 10:55 AM, Blogger four and a half said........
YAY! (: People that agree with me!!!! *raises glass* here's to the normal, sane people in the world!! :P