Monday, September 10, 2007
I think intelligent people take a lot for granted.
Sometimes they just simply don't understand how hard it is for someone who may not be that bright to look at a concept and just not get it.

The biggest thing is when they don't use it. I have known quite a handful of intelligent people (as in facts-intelligent) who have gone through their school years joking around with their "gang" buddies in the back of the classroom just barely scraping by when I know these people have higher IQ's than me, a former scholar roll student. With insight like no other, the theories and concepts just 'click' in their head. They don't try at all yet get grades that I have to work three times as hard for.

I don't blame them for that, because if I were them I would be the same.

My best friend in middle school was the top student in our grade. You can call her the valedictorian, I guess (for middle school). I can name at least 7-9 people in that graduating class who were smarter than her, including me and I'm not exceptionally bright. Despite that, she still got the award. She was an extremely hard worker, always putting 110% into everything she did. She spent countless hours studying and reviewing notes. Her projects were always over the top. She was a natural born leader but would not exactly make the best brains for an operation. She was involved in a lot of extra-curriculars and took her opportunities as they came to her. She was a phenomenal student and all the teachers reaped her praises. All the extra work she put in almost - almost - put her on equal footing with her smarter superiors. Recently, she got a scholarship to join a summer study tour in Italy this past holiday break.

I can say I'm jealous and she's lucky, but she worked hard for that luck.
Saying that though, you just have to laugh and think to yourself where those lazy, smart people would be if they put in as much effort as my friend did. It's frustrating to know that these people don't have to study, after not having paid attention in classes, and can still get a 90% on a math test and make me feel stupid during relatively easy science labs.

Well, that certainly makes me feel pretty pathetic.

EDIT: Forgot my random linkage of the week (nothing to do with this post) - {here}

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posted by Pb, lead at 10:24 PM |


At September 11, 2007 at 8:10 AM, Blogger watergirl said........
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At September 13, 2007 at 9:29 PM, Blogger Naphthalene said........
i agree with u! isn't annoying how people don't have to do any studying and yet ace tests and stuff? peeves me off!