Thursday, November 15, 2007
So i have been thinking about what to blog on here [since i haven't blogged in like 2 months!]. And today i was doodling in econ as always...[sorry mr eric!!] and i started drawing hearts. then as i was looking at my paper i realized that it looked alot like a love note or something with all the hearts i drew on it. and all of a sudden i got to thinking, why is it that a heart it the symbol of love? I mean why not a kidney, or a liver? sure it sounds a little wierd to say "i love you with all my liver!" or "you broke my kidney!" but seriously, why the heart? okok maybe i can see why it is the actual heart...afterall we can all talk about the time our grandma died and we felt the little twinge of pain in our hearts...or the times we see our crush walking down the hallway towards and our heart litterally skips a beat. but why the symbol of the heart...real hearts dont look anything like that. and i can guarantee that if we did draw the exact shape of our own heart on the cute red paper for valentines would not be as romamtic. so i looked it up and here are some peoples take on it: the "heart" shape is the shape of the seed pod called the silphium. i guess that has something to do with love but i still dont get it. the only other thing that i could come up with was that the heart symbol started appearing on stained glass windows of jesus to portray his love for us...interestinggg. but i still dont know where t came from. okok i will make my own guess... i think that in the begining people were really drawing the actual heart in our bodies...but that must have gotten a little complicated and ugly looking. i mean the way our heart looks is nothing that makes me want to be inlove. so over time people just modified it to what it is today. simplicity is the answer! ...actually i still think there is more to it! but i cant seem to find anything..let me know what you think!
posted by four and a half at 7:19 PM |