Friday, November 16, 2007

For B.I class, we were given the task to research about a sickness and present our choice in front of the class using the microsoft power point program on monday. At first i was thinking of doing some boring, old sickness like the cold or the flu, but then i figured that my presentation wouldnt be that interesting if i wasnt interestd in the topic itself, so i asked myself, what is the coolest more nasty disease in the world, and then i remembered the episode on Grey's Anatomy where this woman got the disease called the "flesh eating bacteria" and had to practically cut her leg off to get rid of it. i researched it on the internet to more find out more information about this cool disease and found out that the proper name for the disease was necrotizing fasciitis.

Necrotizing Fasciitis(nekro-tie-zing fah-she-eye-tis)is the most scary disease i have ever seen in my life. it is not a disease that people get often, but it a disease that you would want to avoid at all costs. well, i guess you would want to avoid all diseases at all costs, but this one should be at the top of your list.

people who end up having this disease are healthy prior to the disease. this bacterial infection destroys the skin and the soft tissues beneath it, including fat and the tissue covering the muscles. becuase the skin starts to rot away very quickly, a person with necrotizing fasciitis is sometimes said to be infected with "flesh-eating" bacteria. the only way to get rid of the bacteria, once it has entered the body, cut it out so it is better if the bacterial infection is caught at an early stage, rather than having it spread throughout the whole limb, forcing the person with the infection to cut it off or risk having the infection reach the vital organs which then would ensure the death of the person. most people get this infection just from a small cut they get when in the water. in the Grey's Anatomy episode, the woman who was diagnosed with this disease said that the rash started to appear after she scarped the bottom of her foot on an oyster shell.

im not telling you to rush yourself to the doctor's office everytime you get a small cut, but if you start seeing this red rash spreading VERY rapidly across any part of you body, u better get yourself to the doctor's office as fast as you can to get it checked out becuase you might actually have the "flesh-eating" bacteria.

kinda scary.
posted by four and a half at 6:28 PM |


At January 6, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Blogger Laurie said........
can i use your image in an online wound course?

At July 24, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Blogger roni911 said........
I can tell you from personal experience this is not a fun one to experience. I'm an ex-heroin addict and I developed necrotizing fasciitis I imagine from injecting heroin intramuscularly in what I would call less than clean conditions. I don't remember any of this but I landed in Harborview for months, unconscious for half of it, and had probably 15 surgeries (primarily debreeding and a large skin graft from my back). It spread from right next to my groin all the way down to my lower calf on the right side. I had a 5% chance of living at the time but through the efforts of my nurses/doctors who I consider angels I still have my leg and my life. I have had such a chance in perspective that I am now currently and an RN program myself. Talk to me at if you want to know more.