Saturday, September 22, 2007
sorry this post is a day late.. i didnt have time to write it last night because i took my 3 hours to get home from school after watching the basketball games so when i finally reached home all i had time for was to take a shower and rush out the door to meet up with my family to have dinner.
here's my post!

i hate being ignored. when people hear that im the youngest in my family and im the only girl, besides my mom, they automatically think im the one that gets all the attention. they couldnt be more wrong. Because i am the youngest, i get ignored the most and being a girl doesnt make it any better. i know that most women try to make themselves believe that women and men are equal, but theyre not. this is a male dominant world and unless a woman is REALLY important or REALLY pretty, they hardly get noticed. Anyway, back to what i was saying.. everytime there is a group discussion in my family about a matter that involves all of us, my input doesnt mean anything. i think they dont even hear me talk. if i say something there's no reaction from anyone of them and even if i repeat what i said, there's still no reaction!! at first i thought it was just me.. maybe im just being too senstive about this but then some thing happened that made me 100% sure that it wanst just me and that they were ignoring me much more then any other family member. it happened during dinner at sushi sei when i asked my mom a question (i forgot what). i successfully got her attention and she was looking straight at me so i thought it was okay to ask her the question (i try to avoid every possible situation to make it easy for a family member to ignore me so i make sure they have their full atention before i go ahead and say something to them). After i finished asking the question, my mom inhales and begins to answer me but then turns her head and talks to someone else. WHAT?!?!?!?!??! how is that even possible..
then, i figured out the trick. the only way my mom, my dad, or my brothers would pay attention to me is if i got their attention by speaking in a loud low voice. that is solid proof that people are willing to pay more attention to men than to women! as annyoing as it is, its fact. but even then, i refuse to get there attention that way so now ive just stuck to waving my hands in the air and making really weird noises. i hope as i get older my family will be nice enough to at least pretend to listen to what i have to say :D or i will be 'important' enough to get noticed.. maybe i should become a brain surgeon.


posted by four and a half at 5:41 PM |