I love every single type of food there is in the world. i like american, indonesian, italian, french, thailand-ese(?), indian, vietnamese... everything! so gooood but you know how all foods have there ups and downs? well, i think that american food has the most down sides to it that any other type of food there is. i mean, doesnt it just taste REALLY boring? when i go to the states for the holidays and spend over a week there, the food starts to make me feel nauseous. i mean, for the first couple of days, sure, the food is amazing. burgers, steak, fries, mashed potatoes. who wouldnt enjoy it? but as the days go by, all the food starts to taste the same; a blend of butter and fat. i think that im just used to the style of the asian cuisine where they use a lot of different spices to make the food interesting and yummy to eat, so when compared to american food, it tastes like heaven. the taste of american food is the equivalent to the taste of plastic. When my family and i decide to head to the states for holiday, we usually go to Michigan, and in michigan the range of food you can get is so limited that it is actually quite ridiculous. For breakfast it was always eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, frech toast; lunch was sandwiches, cheese with crackers, and fruit; and dinner was either steak or hamburgers. imagine having to eat that everyday for 2 weeks with the occassional luxury of having pizza instead of sandwhiches for lunch. barf. now compare that to what an indonesian would eat. mie goreng for breakfast; nasi, kangkung, sate, nasi goreng or nasi campur for lunch; and dinner would be sop buntut, nasi uduk, rendang, ayam kuning or sayur asam. SO MUCH BETTER!!!! :D i guess if u have all that indonesian food every day for 2 weeks it would also get pretty sickening in the end, but not as sickening as eating bland, boring food. americans should explore the different tastes of the world and know what theyre missing out on. theyre so concentrated on their own country that I even saw a restaurant that was given the name, "SHANGHAI, Japanese Cuisine". wow.
another thing about american food that i have a particular frustration towards is the fact that they have so many forms of instant food. are americans really that lazy to not have the enegy to cook there own food? no wonder most of the american population is overweight. they eat chemical-packed instant food for most of their meals. instant pizza, instant tv dinner packages, instant sandwiches. how disgusting. what is so hard about buying ingredients to cook yourself a decent healthy meal?
people always make fun of the type of foods i like to eat because it doesnt fit with the way i look, but i cant help it if i think asian food tastes so much better than american food. this is one of the reasons i am dreading the thought of going to school in the US. im going to be staying there for much longer than 2 weeks at a time :(
Labels: American, Asian, cuisine, food, Indonesian
actually, it's nice to see a person so liking various delicacies from diffrent cultural backgrounds. :D
..by the way, it's 'thai'. you were looking for 'thai', not 'thailand-ese'..