Thursday, September 27, 2007
This week I've been thinking alot about 'titles'. The main thing I had in mind was titles given to relationships. Although girl-boy relationships are given various titles, I, on the other hand, have been thinking alot about friendship titles.

When a friendship is given a title, for example 'best friends' or 'sisters' even, if you get into some sort of routine calling this person your 'best friend', after a while it just sticks, even if the actual meaning behind it doesn't really exist anymore. All relationships (im talking about friendships in particular) in life face some sort of problem, it could be something really minor, or something completely major, either way, there will be problems! Although alot of friendships face these problems and get through them with their title and the meaning behind the title still in tact, some friendships just aren't as strong, and they can only handle so many problems before the meaning behind the title kind of just... disappears. Yes, the title still stands, the words are there, but beneath that lies absolutely nothing.

Situations like these often confuse me. I mean, I know there are many things in life that are said to be 'more important' but actually... friendships and relationships that consist of love and care are actually one of the most important things in life. Without love, life would not be worth living, honestly. But then again, if you're in a friendship that is talked about as if it is full of 'love' when really that 'love' isn't so strong and the real friendship under the title is non-existent, then something has to be done! The only thing is... how? I mean, think about it! If your 'best friend' were to come up to you and say "hey, you know, i think things have changed. Maybe we say we're best friends, but actually, we aren't, are we?!" It's not like you'd reply "Yeah, for sure! Let's just call the whole thing off!" Because if you were to say something like that, you'd be the one who looks bad. Therefore, instead of saying how you really feel about the situation you'd reply "Huh? What do you mean? You're my BEST FRIEND! Our friendship is so much more than just a title!" The only thing with that is the fact that the friendship is then turned into a complete LIE!

In a situation like this, I wouldn't know what to do. Just because i wrote this, it doesn't necessarily mean that I'm in this situation, but I will admit that I've been in a situation similar to this in the past. Unfortunately, that situation wasn't resolved. I wouldn't say I'm still dealing with it, but I am still dealing with the whole 'title' thing being stuck in place the way that it is. But I guess everything happens for a reason, right?! So maybe, just maybe, something good, will come out of something as deceitful as a lie.

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posted by four and a half at 5:54 PM |