It's exactly one week after exams. I was so happy, so full of life, so 'free'. Little did I know the weeks that would follow would be so miserable. Straight after I got out of that final exam on Wednesday the 28th of November, I felt a sudden rush, I felt as if I could do anything I wanted to and nobody would tell me to stop.. and to my surprise, I was right! That whole afternoon I was out and about, eating lunch with friends, just chilling out, and then watching late night movies. It was great, absolutely priceless, I couldn't have wished for it any other way. Usually my parents would let me go out after school but i had curfews and certain things i had to do before-hand. But on that particular night, the amount of freedom I was granted was absolutely unbelievable! Thursday and Friday werent so bad either, we didnt have much homework, received some of our results - which of course lead to various emotions, ranging from ecstatic to pretty far down in the dumps - and our classes were a little more laid back. Excitement was seen in the hallways through the bounce that the students had in their steps - school was finally starting to seem okay! Then came Monday...
Unfortunately, things went back to normal. The overflow of homework came pouring in, the bounce in the students steps slowly stopped and the freedom that was experienced over those few days following exams, was no longer seen. I, personally, didnt expect to get an overflow of homework right after exams, but then i realized: This is IB! It wasnt necessarily just the homework, but it was also the fact that our CAS was due, along with certain parts of our extended essays that we havent even thought about due to our stressing over exams and other assesments such as tests, presentations and IOP's. I guess it's not that these things are all extremely difficult, I think it's just that I got so used to that idea of freedom (even though it was only for a few days) that i didnt prepare myself for what was still to come. Yes, in the back of my mind I knew that these things were coming, but i didnt want to believe it, so I could make the most of my 'freedom'. Urgh, big mistake!