Monday, December 3, 2007
This is what I call Kendalism...

If yellow was colorless, fish would drown.
If the wind was stiff, we would fly on the ground.

If feathers melted, grapes would turn to rocks.
If space was pink, our ears would wear socks.

If boys flew elephants, french fries would melt in cracks.
If sunshine was unethical, babies would come on racks.

If jellybeans grew arms, water bottles would eat shoes.
If glass was hairy, our livers would take a snooze.

If plastic covered the earth, fresh milk would be toxic.
If a guitar wet the bed, cotton balls would become exotic.

If sunsets ate garfield, monkeys would eat ice cream out of a boot.
If flies could tell time, telephones would fry fruit.

..yes, random is my fort`e!
posted by four and a half at 6:50 PM |